Wednesday 19 December 2012

Emily's first cooing

Today is the first time we heard Emily cooing when we talked to her. :) It happened so suddenly that we did not manage to video it now. Hope to hear more from her. :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Emily's 2 weeks old

Emily is two weeks old today. Damon bought 2 small pieces of cake to celebrate the occasion. Clare and Isaiah are the happiest as they love to eat cakes. Isaiah, in particular, likes to see the candles being lighted up and blowing them off after singing the song.

2-week old Emily

Isaiah' love for cars

Isaiah loves to play with cars since he was very young. Every time we are at the toy section of a departmental store, he will stay fixated in front of the Tomica cars.

He will be ecstatic if we buy him a small car. He especially loves those cars with doors that can open and close. He can spend a long time just opening and closing the doors of the cars and rolling them on the floor or table. At home, he likes to arrange them in a line and tells us he is parking the cars.

Today, we suddenly realised that he was very quiet in his room and we went to see what mischief he was up to. To our surprise, we saw him quietly admiring the cars he had just arranged in a line. :)

First tummy time

We placed Emily her tummy for her tummy time the first time. This strong gal managed to lift her head slightly to turn it to the other side. Of course, like Clare and Isaiah, she got frustrated and angry after a while and started wailing.

We will be giving her daily tummy session from today onwards. :)

Yeah! I did it!

Jie Jie giving encouragement

Monday 17 December 2012

Bath Time with Daddy

Daddy volunteered to try to bathe Emily today. He prepared the bath water and bathed Emily. He did a great job and I am so proud of him. :) Emily enjoyed her bath too. 

Saturday 15 December 2012

Carolling at Cheshire Home

After 2 rehearsals, the daddies, mummies and kids are ready to perform for the residents at Cheshire Home.

All of them dressed up in either red or green and had either a Santa hat or a reindeer headgear. Each kid also brought along their musical instruments.

The performance went on well and I hope that the kids while enjoying the carolling session,learnt something about spreading joy to others. :)

Clare with Faith
Clare and her Best Friend, Xiaoci

Isaiah's Music Class and Bonding Time with Daddy

Clare started Baby Music class at Mandeville when she just turned two years old. Baby Music class is a parent-accompanied group class. It aims to teach basic music theory, instruments, composers and music appreciation through play and songs and is conducted by 2 teachers.

We wanted Isaiah to attend Baby Music class too. When he was about to turn two, we went to enquire for upcoming Baby Music Class with Ms Loh. To our astonishment, we were told that the next available class is almost one year later. We decided to wait for this class since Isaiah was not able to communicate that time yet. We registered him and had to pay for a one term's fees and materials to secure his place in June though his lessons would only start in November as there were people on the waiting list.

For the first lesson, I was unable to accompany Isaiah as I was already heavily pregnant by then. Damon went in with him and I spent some time with Clare at United Square while waiting.

Daddy says that he was very cautious of his environment and did not dare to venture out of the comfort zone of him. He also observed the lesson rather than taking part in the class.

Today is Isaiah's third lesson, Daddy said he was able to participate well in the class now. Isaiah looks forward for his Music class every week.

After his Music class, Damon brought him to watch The Little Big Club show featuring Barney, Fireman Sam and Angelina. Isaiah likes Barney and he was initially very excited while waiting. However, the moment the music started and the comperes appeared on stage, he became very frightened and started to point to the exit and asked for me. His eyes became all wet. Damon managed to distract him using his hand phone and they managed to sit through the show.

This phobia is something that Clare had too. She didn't dare to watch all these live shows or music due to the loud music. Up til now, Clare still doesn't really dare to watch movies. I hope that Clare and Isaiah would overcome their fear completely very soon.

Daddy and Isaiah before the Barney Show